I think I need some sunshine! I find myself yearning for gardening, bountiful bird watching and nice walks around the neighborhood on this winters day. Some people call that stir crazy or sun deprived. Too much snow and rain can do that to a person. One can only read, watch old movies and exercise indoors for
Fun on a rainy day!
Today and in the days ahead it appears that rain is the main forecast. Good thing we live in a community that most always has concerts, fundraisers or other activities going on. This week’s blog is all about what’s happening and ideas for fun on these rainy days. 1. Quilting show today and tomorrow: The
Be Cyber Smart!
The catalogs have started arriving in my mailbox announcing the Christmas shopping season! Its that time of year when, more than any other time of year, can order anything online or at least have the option of shopping from home. Being Cyber smart is more important than ever when it involves shopping online. I know