January 20, 2021
Is it ever too early to hope for Spring? Hope Springs Eternal I guess!
Brrrrr! I know it’s cold outside today but I am thinking of Spring. Is it ever too early in the year to do that?
After a very mild winter, in particular, I find myself watching for sprouts and buds around the yard and then act surprised when I find them.

January – the start of a new year, and there they are – pushing up through the ground, popping out on cold brown hydrangea limbs. Every year it is like a miracle.

A new year brings a new hope of spring. Spring brings the chatter of gardeners as they plan for the year’s crop, the sound of birds returning to familiar surroundings and emerging patches of color as Mother Nature shows off what is possible. I look forward to the return of birds chattering as I drink my morning coffee and the gift of birds nests in my yard.
Is it too early to be thinking of Spring? Let me know what you think. Send an email to [email protected].
Quote of the week:
(This quote seems appropriate to these dark mornings waiting for sunrise)
Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness. Desmond Tutu
Here’s a few Stillwaters updates:
- Gardeners: Have you signed up for your vegetable garden spots? Call the office sometime in February to either newly sign up or reconfirm you want a spot within one of our three fenced garden areas.
- New Mailboxes for some: For those of you who pick up your mail at the first two mail stations you should know by now that new mailboxes are being installed. You need to go to the office to pick up your new mailbox keys. If you have already done so – Thank You.
- New Bark: You may notice the yard maintenance crew starting to put out new bark soon. Remember only a third of the neighborhood gets new bark each year. Never fear you are being missed. It is all well scheduled and if you don’t get bark this year, just know you are on the schedule.