Spring is springing early this year here in Stillwaters and this always gets the soul of gardeners and birders bubbling with excitement. Buds are appearing on bushes and trees, bulbs have popped up and birds are starting to chirp and scope out our yards. It definitely feels spring-like in February! We have even seen a couple little lambs down on Scheuber Road- a sure sign!
This is about the time of year for hummingbirds to return and this is always a fun thing to look forward to if you are a feeder of the birds. Some Anna’s hummingbirds have stayed through the winter but the Rufous are due back from their southern trek by the first of March. As a fellow bird feeder and nest box owner I am getting excited about another year of birding.
It is always a mystery about which birds will occupy which bird boxes, when will they arrive, when will the babies chirping grab our attention and what antics will we see from mom and dad, and other birds.
For gardeners there is a great gardening educational opportunity scheduled for March 7th at Centralia College. The WSU County Extension Master Gardener Program is offering a day of classes all about gardening. Topics include Basic Gardening, Grapes 101, Organic gardening and Winter gardening. It will be at Washington Hall on Saturday, March 7th. I am attaching a link for all the details. No pre-registration is required so come early and enjoy the great classes.
Copy and paste this link into your browser:
With two community gardens in the neighborhood this is a nice opportunity to branch out in our gardening knowledge and ideas. The two community gardens are located behind tall fences to keep out the deer and are divided into plots with enough space to tinker with “small gardening” ideas. Get out those seed catalogs and get busy planning!
Quote of the Week:
The first day of spring is one thing, and the first spring day is another. The difference between them is sometimes as great as a month. ~Henry Van Dyke
Happenings this Week:
Friday, February 2oth:
The Centralia Rotary eighth annual “Catch the Buzz” Spelling Bee and Silent Auction will be at 5:30 p.m. Friday at Centralia College’s Corbet Theatre. The event will feature a silent auction, dessert auction, refreshments and no-host bar. Admission is $10 at the door. This year’s spelling bee will benefit the Rotary Riverside Park renovation. For more information, call Julie Shaffley, (360) 736-3830.
Saturday, February 21st:
‘Buy The Building’ Dinner and Auction On Saturday, at 5pm, the Lewis County Gospel Mission is hosting a dinner, as well as live and silent auction with all proceeds going toward purchasing the building that they lease. The Mission is the only local day shelter open every day serving hot meals and other needs for less-fortunate citizens. The dinner and auction will be held at Immanuel Lutheran Church at 1209 N. Scheuber Rd. in Centralia. Call (360) 996-4474 for more information.
Thursday, February 26th: Stillwaters Estates Neighborhood Potluck at 6 p.m. Once again we are having our monthly potluck (after a few months off for holidays and remodeling). Bring your plate and your favorite potluck dish to share. Silverware, napkins and cups provided. Come join in the fun and enjoy the good food too!