August 31, 2020
A variety of things for the blog this week, thus the title of this and that.
First, is information about a local and free disposal service for medicine. At any age it is really important to get rid of old or unused medicines but at our age of wisdom it is very important to prevent accidents or misuse.
See below for local drop off points and details of what to drop off and how to dispose of needles and sharps (which are not allowed at disposal sites).

“Not Just for Caretaker” Opportunities:

Click on the Sep flyer “Download” link below to register.
Free Online Educational Webinars are available on a variety of topics from the Alzheimer’s Association. This is a great time to increase our knowledge on a variety of topics.
Enjoy the warm weather in the coming weeks. We are supposed to have a beautiful September, therefore, it is a great time to get outside, if possible.