Even in a pandemic life goes on. With more time at home I find I am paying more attention to the variety of birds making stops in my yard and garden. While working from home for more than 3 months now this has provided a very intimate picture of bird-life here in Stillwaters Estates.
I have a Hummingbird feeder outside the window of my office. This provides a great view of those tiny miracles of flight. Over time I have noticed that some are sitters and some are fliers while they eat. They are especially funny to watch in the rain as they practically have a full bath while visiting the feeder.
I think there must be a Hummingbird nest nearby as we are now seeing very small hummers at the feeders (we have three feeders). As always antics of the babies are very entertaining as they learn to fly, perch and feed.
According to allaboutbirds.com Hummingbird food is easily made from ¼ cup sugar to one cup water. No need to color the water for the feeder. Made with boiled water the sugar water is safe for a week or so, depending on the weather. For more information about Hummingbirds check out this information and link below.
Busy Birds:
We have three bird houses (boxes) that are pretty regularly used as least once and sometimes twice in a summer. Mr. Blogger and I refer to the birds as renters and we are thoroughly entertained by the bird “moving in the furniture” (nest building) and then the wait for the baby sounds.
The Goldfinches, Swallows and Juncos make themselves known as they have been busy in my backyard with nest-making, egg-hatching and baby-feeding like crazy! We have had two rounds of baby swallows in our hillside condos (bird boxes) and also swallows in our house-side bird box. The parents spend a good week or more building the nests, then the wait is on for the eggs and the hatching. Once you hear the tiny peeps start you know it isn’t long until you see the little beaks come up to the door for each of their feedings.
The parents keep really busy with the feeding schedule and frantically try to keep up as the babies grow. After a couple of weeks of entertaining us the babies fledge and the silence is a little startling after several weeks of crying babies.
A closer view:
The Juncos built a nest in one of my flower boxes this year (a first!) and though only one egg hatched they did leave us this gift of a nest and a view into the beautiful unhatched eggs.
I am very thankful for all the nature that surrounds us. Our little world here on Van Dyke Drive has provided restful respite (and distraction) from the politics and conflicts of the Coronavirus battle. I hope you all are finding your own place of peace and wellness where you are.
Quote of the Week:
Be as a bird perched on a frail branch that she feels bending beneath her, still she sings away all the same, knowing she has wings.
Victor Hugo