Residents of Stillwaters Estates had a great opportunity this week to hear all about Social Media for Seniors. Spry Digital Marketing, our local website producers, presented a class on Social Media use, safety and “making the best of” techniques. About 25 residents attended and it was an enthusiastic group.
More Info:
Social Media (Facebook, Twitter & Instagram) is a great place to read and share information. But with that benefit comes a responsibility to do this safely. Spry Digital Marketing has published an article on Social Media safety and it is now on our Facebook page. For all of you facebookers out there, here is the LINK. This link takes you to Stillwaters Facebook page and you can read the Spry article posted yesterday. While you are there on the page “LIKE” us and this helps to increase our circulation to interested readers.
Genie H., one of the attendees said: “I learned a lot and really thought it was excellent”. For Facebook “I learned how to adjust my privacy settings so I had control over who gets to see my messages and posts.” “I learned the technique of unfollowing versus unfriending.” She says she highly recommends this class to others who might get to attend this in the future.
For blog readers who may not have a Facebook account here is the ARTICLE link you can read without signing in or signing up to an account.
Computers, laptops, tablet, phones – all of this applies to the many ways we access social media sites. Thinking about safety and privacy is important on all of these devices.