March 21, 2019
Spring weather has really brought out the flowers, and tree pollen, and the swallows! Being a gardener at heart this time of year makes me itch to get outside and start the gardening season. Here at Stillwaters we have the benefit of “no gardening required” but I still like to putter in the yard and put in a vegetable garden in the community garden vegetable plot.
The Old Farmer’s Almanac provides good advice on gardening, particularly around the stages of the moon and the season. Yesterday was the first official day of Spring and the almanac refers to it as the Full Worm Moon. This is in reference to the emerging of worms in the soil around the time of the March full moon. The full moon, the Spring (or Vernal) Equinox and the month of March all conspire to inspire gardens and gardeners!
Pretty soon our other friends (the furry kind) will be coming around again to partake of our gardening efforts. Luckily we have the fenced community gardens to make sure we can eat the results of our hard work!
Quote of the Week:
In the Spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt. – Margaret Atwood, Canadian writer.
Resident Adventurers:
I am sharing a few photos that have been submitted from our resident travelers and adventurers. Enjoy!
Even if you don’t garden, get out and enjoy the beautiful Stillwaters neighborhood.