JANUARY 18, 2019
Last week I was going on about old words we don’t hear much anymore and these reminded me of some from my childhood and some probably before my time. It was fun to remember some of the context to these words. One commentor said:
“…Still use some of these. Brought back lots of memories. I lived in Maine for a lot of years. The town down the road from me made Moxie a drink. They did for years and still do. In the summer they have a big festival,parade and the whole works. “
Reminiscing can be pleasant, especially about words like “Heavens to Betsy! Gee whillikers! Jumping Jehoshaphat! Holy moley!” These are classics!
Here is phase two of our word lesson. In case you need to understand what grand kids and great-grands are saying. Enjoy!
A word is dead
When it is said,
Some say.
I say it just begins
to live that day.
– Emily Dickinson
Loved all this! So interesting!
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