December 12, 2018
Yesterday, I was up to my elbows in flour and making Holiday cut-out cookies. This time of year there is a lot of that happening! Traditional recipes pulled out this time of year evoke childhood memories for me. Iced and decorated cut-out cookies from my grandmothers big Tupperware container are a vivid memory. The smell of ginger and icing are so enticing, and not just through a child’s nose.
I suspect there is more than a bit of cookie making going on in Stillwaters this month and the savory baking smells will be a common theme.
Another memory from childhood was the way we always had the same things for Christmas breakfast. Christmas bread (think cinnamon rolls baked in a wreath shape), sausage and eggs. These must have been common traditions as this was also true for Mr. Blogger’s family. We always have continued that celebratory Christmas breakfast in our family as well.
This week I drug out one of those old recipes to make a honey-based cut-out cookie. The cookie recipe was hand written on a card and other than having a bit of a problem with deciphering tablespoon from teaspoon they came out fine.
I love the fact that many of my recipes are on assorted recipe cards and were written by either my grandmothers or my mom. The hazard of this is not being able to tell to decipher the recipe at times but I love the history they each contain.
The honey and cinnamon made my house smell so good. I am taking these to a cookie making party this weekend and will have lots of help decorating them for the holiday events. Recipe anyone?