We have a big astronomical event coming up on the 21st and we plan to celebrate big. On Monday, August 21st at about 9 a.m. our time, we will experience a near total eclipse of the sun by the moon. This hasn’t happened in 99 years so this is very special.
More special is that fact that it is only viewable in the United States, and can be seen as a total eclipse in the Areas of Totality. Click HERE to see the map showing the Totality area and other fascinating eclipse information.
A couple interesting facts about Eclipses:
The Sun is 400 times bigger than the Moon and 400 times farther away than the Moon, which is why the Moon being so much smaller can eclipse the Sun.
The May 29, 1919 total eclipse was used to validate Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. A British astronomer by the name of Sir Authur Eddington made observations during this eclipse and then 6 months later and proved the theory correct.
In a document on the NASA.GOV website they describe Einstein’s theory as follows:
“In this new theory, Einstein combined the concepts of space and time into an interlocked fabric called “space-time” which fills the universe. Objects with mass had the property of distorting space-time, resulting in the force of gravity.”
Eddington observed the Sun and the stars six months later and found that that the stars had shifted positions and by exactly the amount Einstein predicted. This was also verified by eclipses in 1922, 1953 and 1972.
Anyway, there will be more trivia and fun at our eclipse viewing event here at the Gathering Place the morning of August 21st. We have ten pairs of official eclipse viewing glasses (the ONLY safe way to view the sun and eclipse) and will be hopefully able to see a partial eclipse from here. We also will be streaming the eclipse from the NASA website so that we can also view what people are seeing in the Area of Totality from comfortable seating in the Gathering Place.
Join us at 9 am on the 21st for a chance to see the big event. Sherri has special treats planned and of course, coffee. Put this on your calendar to join the “Geek” fun and learn some new trivia.
Early-twentieth-century abstraction is art’s version of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. It’s the idea that changed everything everywhere: quickly, decisively, for good. – Jerry Saltz
When general relativity was first put forward in 1915, the math was very unfamiliar to most physicists. Now we teach general relativity to advanced high school students. Brian Greene
Local residents Klaus and Marianne say the musical “9-5” at The Roxy in Morton is excellent! Showing nightly through Sunday.
Southwest Washington Fair: Tuesday, August 15th throughSundaythe 20th. Senior day is Wednesday – Half Price Admission!