Very high temperatures this week have kept us all trying to stay cool and find indoor activities to do. Since about Monday of this week our daily high temperatures have been rising and yesterday reached 100. This is unusual weather for around here so everyone is coping by either having air conditioning at home or by finding cool places to seek respite.
I read an article from Oregon Public Radio titled “What Happens To Our Bodies When It’s hot Out? There’s also a video about this on the website. Click HERE to go directly to the website.
The reaction we have to heat is to begin to sweat and this can be likened to a air conditioner. The body is made up of about 60% water. As the body heats up it begins to draw water from the blood, organs and other tissue to produce sweat. Sweat comes through our pores and evaparates, taking heat away from the body. This is the body “air conditioning” itself to keep the body temperature at a healthy level.
For young children and people over 65 this air conditioning of the body is not as effective and that is why heat can affect us more and differently as we age. When the body temperature heats up our blood pressure drops and this can produce symptoms of light headedness. Muscle cramps, headaches and nausea should be seen as early warning signs of dangerous conditions like heat exhaustion or what they call heat stress.
The number one recommendation during hot weather is drink plenty of fluids and find a cool place to wait out the heat. The Gathering Place has been offered as a neighborhood cooling place this week for those without air conditioning. With air conditioning here it is a good place to come play cards, watch TV or do a puzzle. Even the exercisers have appreciated the cool Gathering Place this week.
Quote of the Week:
Weather forecast for tonight: dark. -George Carlin
Cool Things To Do This Week:
The annual All Church Garage Sale will be held on Saturday, August 5th inside Cooks Hill Community Church in Centralia, from 9am-3pm. Proceeds will benefit local and global missions. The church is located at 2400 Cooks Hill Rd., in Centralia. Call 360-736-6133 for more information.
Midway Cinemas – 181 NE Hampe Way, Chehalis
Lots of movies to choose from, such as Despicable Me 3 (Animation), Wonder Woman and Dunkirk. Call (360)740-9600 for more information.
Olympic Club Theatre – 112 North Tower Ave., Centralia
$4 movies! Several movies playing this weekend. Cars 3 is playing Sunday. Call (360)736-5164 for more information.
A hot week ahead – just slightly cooler temperatures. In the nineties until next Friday and then cooling to the 80’s.
Find cool things to do and enjoy the week ahead!