Centralia, Washington is known for it’s many antique stores and this weekend is the annual AntiqueFest. This is the festival where all the antique stores put up sidewalk displays and the streets are full of vendors, crafters and entertainers for the event. The event runs from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. today (Saturday) and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday along Tower Avenue. This is a fun event to just wander through and take in the goods, the people and the fun!
Speaking of Antiques! As I was thinking about blogging about antiques this week I wandered over to Webster to see what the definition is. “Existing since or belonging to earlier times” was the definition I found. This got me to thinking about how this definition could apply to many things besides furniture and teapots!
I guess I could start with myself and my advancement to an age of wisdom (this is me admitting I have become an antique). Or think about the seven decades of marriage of recent and dear neighbors. Or the many examples of decades-old friendships that exist in this neighborhood and in many of our lives. They have “existed since earlier times” and like the antique chair from great-grandma or the antique woodworking tool from Uncle Harry these relationships provide comfort and carry forward memories as we go through life.
This last year Stillwaters Estates hosted a “Collections” day for residents and many folks brought out their collections (and many were antiques) for others to see. It was fun to see the variety and to hear the stories.
So having something present in your life that reminds you of as person can be comforting, as well as, having friendships, and other relationships from previous decades can be a source of grounding and comfort. These become even more important as we grow “wiser”.
Even something as insignificant as a recipe from a parent or grandparent can bring back happy memories of long ago. That’s why we pass things down to children and grandchildren, right? So that those memories continue on.
Well, that’s enough rambling about old things…
Quote of the Week:
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.
– Helen Keller