Whew! It’s been a busy week here at Stillwaters Estates!
The housing market is so tight that we don’t currently have any apartments for rent or houses on the resale market. We still have had a steady stream of folks coming in to find out about renting or buying a home and this keeps us all very busy here in the office.
We ARE building homes and I thought I would include here a few notes on the home plans that are available to build on lots here in Stillwaters. There are still about 30 lots available for construction for those who want to build. See our webpage by clicking HERE for a picture of each plan.
We have two homes framed and roofed waiting for a buyer to come along and make interior choices.
One is a Fulton:
And the other is a Hartford/Harrington:
With nine floor plans there is a wide range of plan options. It’s exciting to see the neighborhood grow as we welcome new neighbors to Shakespeare Drive, Mark Twain Drive and Stillwaters Avenue.
Something else of interest:
It’s that time of year again! Renters in my backyard bird house.
Quote of the Week:
Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams.
Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential.
Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.
-Pope John XXIII
Happenings this Week:
Saturday, April 15th: The Northwest Wind Symphony invites you to a Concert of Orchestral Music this Saturday night, at 7pm, at Corbet Theater at Centralia College. Tickets are $12 for general admission and available at the door or in advance at Book n Brush in Chehalis. The Northwest Wind Symphony is comprised of professional and semi-professional players from the northwest. Find out more about the concert at northwestwindsymphony.org.
Saturday, April 15th: The Spring Community Garage Sale is this Saturday, at the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds. Admission is $5 between 8-9am and $2 between 9am-4pm. Kids 12 and under get in for free. More than 300 vendors will be on hand.
Next Week: The annual Dinner and Auction for the Lewis County Gospel Mission will be held on Saturday, April 22nd at 5pm at Centralia Christian School. On average, the Gospel Mission serves more than 2800 meals per month. The Mission also provides showers, clothing, and other basic services to the homeless and those released from incarceration. Find out more about the dinner and auction by calling 360-996-4474.

There is a bit of sunshine in our future! Saturday and Sunday this week are predicted to be dry, with a bit of sun and partially cloudy, but we’ll take it. Rain after that but that is our normal April isn’t it!