One thing that is very common in this neighborhood is that most of us are cooking meals for one or two people each day. Even if you like to cook this can challenge the creative and be downright boring!
Since Stillwaters Estates is an independent living community we don’t offer meals to residents. Each home in Stillwaters is individual and, as such, each of us either cheerily or grudgingly, go about the task of planning and preparing our own meals. Week in. Week out!
This week I set about exploring some meal planning resources for the one or two person household.
Planning ahead is one of the keys to managing recipes for five or six. Storing in the fridge for eating later in the week is easy or you might package well and freeze for a later date. Either way it makes cooking for yourself or for two pretty efficient.
You can get some great ideas from a website called Click HERE to go directly to the website. Here is one of their ideas for a quick and healthy meal.
“Eggs can make a meal happen in a flash, anytime! They are an excellent source of protein and contain a bounty of nutrients such as vitamin D and choline. You can hard-boil a few on the weekend to have as an easy breakfast, snack or quick salad addition.”
As a person who enjoys reading cookbooks and finding great new recipes, I thought I would also look and see what was out there in Amazon world in the way of cookbooks for two. Here is just a sample of what I found:
1. The Complete Cooking for Two Cookbook – By America’s Test Kitchen. Published April 2014. America’s Test Kitchen took favorite recipes from their many cookbooks and re-engineered them as recipes for two. If you have ever watched America’s Test Kitchen on PBS you know that these have to be good!
2. Healthy Cookbook for Two: 175 Simple, Delicious Recipes to Enjoy Cooking for Two. By Rockridge Published November 2014. The website says: “…Healthy Cookbook for Two features fast, flavorful recipes using fresh, affordable ingredients that are tailored for your two-person table.”
3. The Complete Slow Cooking for Two: A perfectly Portioned Slow Cooker Cookbook. By Linda Larsen. Published September 2015. Think crock pot when you see the term slow cooking.
We recently discovered putting leftovers in ziplock bag, which can or cannot be frozen. Simmer bags in simmering water for 20 minutes. Good as fresh.
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