Ballots get mailed today for a school bond for the Centralia School District. This bond will pay to replace and repair schools in the district which has an average average school building age of 70 years!
The buildings are old, safety and security of the students is at risk and the facilities are not in any condition that is conducive to learning, at any age. The environment in which they learn has a significant impact on what they learn. As an example, we have a high school serving a thousand students with one working water fountain!
Recently a group of Stillwaters folks went on a tour of the schools and shared what they saw at our neighborhood potluck last night. They unanimously encouraged us to support the bond, based on the conditions of the schools and the need to bring us into the current century, as far as safety and security is concerned.
The Centralia School District Superintendent, Mark Davalos made a presentation at last night’s potluck. He shared statistics and data about the schools in the district but also shared a thought about how schools are a community responsibility. Schools in communities a hundred years ago were built by community members, one board and nail at a time and with a lot of sweat invested. Communities would see a need for a school and everyone came together to build the school (think “Little House on the Prairie”). Today, we don’t swing the hammer or place the boards but as taxpayers we still have that community responsibility to build secure and healthy schools for our children.
Every vote is needed so when your ballot comes in the mail please vote in support of the bond. The bond needs 40% of the number of people who voted last fall, and then a super-majority (60%) of yes votes to pass.
If you own your home it is calculated the bond will cost each of us $2.12 per thousand of assessed home value. For a $200,000 home that is an additional $424 a year, or $35 a month. The last construction bond was paid off in 2006, so it has been more than 10 years since we invested in construction in the school district. Now is the time for us to invest again and have schools that are badges of honor in our community.
There are many benefits to our community to having up-to-date schools – attracting businesses, employees, teachers, etc. All of these are important to a healthy and prospering Centralia. A prospering community means more tax revenue, better services and more resources available to all of us seniors (think “Senior Centers”).
Please be sure to vote and vote yes if you agree this is important.
Quote of the Week:
Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choiceare prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education. – Franklin D. Roosevelt
This was very explained and very appropriate. It has nothing to do with candidates but instead something that is a community issue. You are right on!!!!
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