This time of year brings on the “clean and organize” fever in many of us. Christmas and New Year’s are over and we have a brand new, sparkling clean year to start anew. Also on the agenda is the perennial “Eat right and Exercise” fever but for this blog I am going to just focus just on the first!
Some people have a natural knack for organizing and then there are others who struggle to make this happen. Here’s a great article with ideas for organizing that I found useful. I like to organize and I even found some new ideas in this article (CLICK HERE TO READ) from ALL*YOU magazine.
Here’s an example from the article of a fun organizing idea:
“25. Sort bedding. Reduce clutter in the linen closet by keeping a maximum of three sets of sheets per bed. That way, you can have one in use, one in the laundry and one on the shelf. To store sets neatly, put the flat and fitted sheets and one pillowcase folded inside the second pillowcase. The convenient bundles are easy to stack.”
I recently was in a residence here (as a part of my Realtor job) and the resident had organized all their warranties and manuals for appliances and other household items in one big binder. I was so impressed I went home and organized my very unorganized box of warranties and manuals and now have this impressive notebook for future reference. One little idea can bring great rewards!
If you feel the urge to organize I highly recommend going online to see what ideas there are out there. Have a good week ahead!
Quote of the Week:
“Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.” – Brad Paisley
Happenings this Week:
Saturday, January 7th: A Benefit Dinner & Silent Auction for Brian Bushnell will be held this Saturday, January 7th, from 4-7pm, at the Baw Faw Grange, located at 995 Boisfort Road, in Curtis. Brian Bushnell is a kindergarten student who is in need of a 2nd heart transplant. The benefit dinner will include spaghetti, salad and dessert. All proceeds will help the family with medical costs.
Monday, January 9th: Game of the Month is Skipbo. Play with a group of folks every week (on Mondays at 3 p.m.), here in the Gathering Place.
Thursday, January 12th: Movie Night at Stillwaters! The movie this month an interesting documentary titled “The Last Man on the Moon”. The movie focuses on Eugene Cernan and his moon landing (the last) in 1972. This is his personal story full of rare archive material, video and personal interviews with Cernan. The movie starts at 6:00 p.m., with ice cream served at 5:45 p.m. Come join the movie group for some Thursday evening fun!
Snow is possible for tomorrow and then rain and warmer temperatures are predicted for the next week. Time to find the umbrella again!
Happy New Year, Cindy!
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