Sigh… It’s nearly October. Again. That year sure went fast! It’s time once again for health care insurance decisions, and possibly medical checkups. Generally, October is the month that insurance companies ask you to make decisions for the coming year so I use October every year as a reminder to get annual doctor appointments scheduled.
These days that means that around the first of the year my appointment arrives and I toddle off to my doctor to see how I am doing. I just received a newsletter from my insurance company about the seven questions you need to ask when seeing your physician – as a way to ensure you are both on the same page. Since this is extensive they recommend you write these down and make one copy for your doctor. I found this to be informative and good list to work from. What do you think?
- What do I have?
- Why do I have it or how did I get it?
- What might it do to me?
- What is known and unknown about what might happen to me?
- What choices do I have?
- What would you advise?
- What do I need to know to get it (your advice) done?
This might make the annual visits to the doctor easier.
If you need some advice on Medicare choices you can contact:
Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner
Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors (SHIBA)
360.425.3430 Extension 304
They can help you compare plans, provide medicare enrollment help and provide other general help related to health care coverage.
Take a deep breath… enjoy October!
The first wealth is health. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Saturday, September 17th: Providence Centralia Hospital is having a Health Fair and Fun Run this Saturday, September 17th at the Hospital, located at 1010 South Scheuber Road in Centralia. The 5K Run and Walk starts at 9am, with check-in and registration at 8am. A Kids Dash event will be held at 10:30. Staff from different departments at the hospital will also be on hand to answer questions. Riverside Fire Authority be offering free bike helmets for kids. For more information, call 1-855-360-5475.
Saturday, September 17th: The Adna Fall Car Show will be held this Saturday, September 17th, starting at 9am at Adna High School. Entry fee is $15. All classic cars are welcome. Call 360-529-7937 for more information.
Thursday, September 22nd: It’s Poluck night at Stillwaters Estates. Bring your favorite dish to share and a plate to eat on. Dinner starts at 6:00 p.m.
Sunday, September 25th: The Tenth Annual Community Farmers Market Harvest Dinner will be held on Sunday, September 25th, at the Loft in downtown Chehalis. This farm to table dinner is a fundraiser for the Farmers Market in Chehalis. Tickets are $35 for adults and $20 for children, age 12 and under. Tickets and more information are available at the Farmers Market in Chehalis, Book ‘n’ Brush in Chehalis, Santa Lucia Coffee in Centralia, or online at
Friday, September 30th: A Silent Auction and Spaghetti Feed Fundraiser for Jake and Helen Morgan will be held on Friday, September 30th in the Toledo High School Commons, prior to football game between the Indians and Toutle Lake. The dinner will begin at 4pm, with the bidding beginning at 4:30. Dinner plates will cost $5 for kids and $7 for adults. Jake and Helen Morgan were seriously injured at the Southwest Washington Fair back in August. For more information, call 360-880-7331.
WEATHER: Rain is coming – expect rain tomorrow and Sunday. After that the weather will stay cool (60’s and 70’s). As fall is coming quickly upon us I thought I would share a photo of our mountain from one day this week.