Childhood memories of the fair include cotton candy, tossing rings over bottles for prizes and lots of fun on gut-wrenching rides at the carnival. These days the local fair has a much different appeal!
Nowadays, the animals, quilts, collections and the grange displays are much more interesting and my desire for cotton candy is replaced by corn-on-the-cob and something chocolate.
The Southwest Washington Fair in Chehalis keeps the focus on being a small town fair, to keep locals coming and attract even out of area visitors to the fairway.
This week Sherri Garland and I ventured to the fair on one of the cooler and less crowded evenings – on Senior Day! I took advantage of my new found prestige as a 60-year-old and got in for half the already reduced senior price of $6. I was feeling pretty special at that point!

Being dinnertime when we arrived we dove right into the food lineup. We enjoyed the corn dogs and corn-on-the-cob. Yummy! Then we went for Hot Fudge Sundaes (with chocolate ice cream) and after that sugar overdose we staggered to the commercial buildings and displays to start our adventure.
There were amazing gardening displays, art work, canning and quilts of all types (even some from Stillwaters residents). Some of the fun in the quilts and grange displays is being able to vote for favorites. Peoples Choice ribbons are awarded based on the voting and they are proudly displayed along with other ribbons.
The animal barns were great fun – the antics of the goats, the bellowing cows and the crazy hairdos on some of those chickens! If you get a chance, go check out the fair and the fun!
Quote of the Week:
Thanks for providing a vicarious trip to the fair this year! It looked like lots of fun; the menu reminded me of a few years ago – not so much these days!
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