I know I have written several times before about what it takes to make the move to down or rightsizing. A smaller house, smaller property, new neighbors, new community rules to get used to and new idiosyncrasies of the new abode. I recently ran across an article giving tips on adjusting to living a new country and thought it had several great ideas for the adjustment period.
Moving to a new house creates stress in even the little things. Where to put things in cupboards and then to remember where you put them. Getting things like cable and phone changed over can get on your very last nerve and understanding how your new security system works can be a puzzle. Here are some tips for coping with all the change.
Although the article I read was about adapting to a new country, specifically if new to the US, the basic tips given were to:
1. Be kind to yourself and know that what you are experiencing is normal.
2. Make friends to learn new customs of the neighborhood. Ask questions and feel comfortable asking for help.
3. Do special things to make your house a home. Organize your things as you have done in your previous home, hang pictures right away to feel at home. Place things around you that provide comfort.
I think these tips are very transferrable to adjusting to a new home.
This article appeared on the RealtyTimes website. Click HERE to see the full article.
Quote of the Week:
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Happenings this Week:
Saturday, July 30th: An all you can eat pancake breakfast and the Chariots Car Show on Chehalis Avenue kick off the festivities at 8 a.m. Breakfast at the Lewis County Historical Museum is $6 per person and includes pancakes, eggs, sausage, coffee and juice.
Other events include: • A hot lunch, vendors and music, Lewis County Historical Museum • ARTrails of SWW plein air artists and sale, downtown Chehalis • Kid Zone inflatables, face painting and fun, downtown Chehalis • Sidewalk sales, downtown Chehalis businesses • Taste of the Pacific Northwest and street dance, Boistfort Street in downtown Chehalis • Ninth annual Chariots Car Show, Chehalis Avenue • RallyCross, Port of Chehalis • Free young eagle flights for ages 8 to 17, Chehalis-Centralia Airport •
See and touch military display, Veterans Memorial Museum • Balloon artist, book sale and late-afternoon movie, Chehalis Library • Live 95 Live Remote and Wonder Car will be at the Lewis County Historical Museum • I Spy hunt with passport, “Where’s Harry and the Snitch,” Angry Birds Game at Book ‘N’ Brush • Photography discounts and giveaways at Studio K • Free Steam Train ride by reservation only through the Lewis County Historical Museum K.
Put on your Calendar: Movie night here at Stillwaters Estates on August 11th. This month the movie is “JOY”. Come join the fun!
Weather: Enjoying this warm and sunny week? It will cool off to the mid to high 70s tomorrow and be very pleasant for the next week. Enjoy your air conditioning today as the temperature moves into the 90’s!