Sometimes there are little things that bring such delight! My latest copy of Birds and Bloom just arrived and it provided a good 30 minutes of oohs and aahs over great photos and interesting articles. The pictures are outstanding and inspire me to get out and clean out my bird boxes!
Here are a few interesting items from the January/February issue to share:
- Did you ever wonder how bigger birds sit on their eggs without breaking them? Larger birds lay eggs that are strong enough to withstand their weight. A swan’s egg, for example, can withstand 26 pounds of pressure before breaking.
- Most songbirds lay one egg per day until their “clutch” is complete.
- Swallow eggs start out pink and turn white within four days.
- There is a bird called a cowbird that deposits their eggs in other bird’s nests. Their eggs have been found in nests of more than 220 other species.
- A single ostrich egg can weigh as much as five pounds.
- An ordinary house wren can be a real villain. They are known to be a vicious during nesting season. If they set up house and then find another bird has nested too close they are known to go into the other birds nest and steal their eggs by piercing them and carrying them off.
Birding To Do List:
January is a great time to make sure your bird boxes are clean and ready for another year of nesting.
Read up on your favorite birds and decide if you want to plant something new in your yard this spring to attract them.
February is National Bird Feeding Month. Certain feeds attract different birds. Check out more feeding information by clicking HERE.
Quote of the Week:
No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings. – William Blake
Happenings this Week:
Starting Monday: Our First Annual Stillwaters Exercise Challenge starts Monday. This will be the first of eight weeks of keeping track of exercise. If you need a little motivation, want to participate in a group activity – contact your friendly blogger at the office or by emailing at me at [email protected]. Prizes will be awarded for most points earned over the eight weeks.
The temperatures are warming up a bit so no snow is expected in the next week. Daytime temperatures will likely get up to 50 and nighttime will be in the 30’s. Chance of rain Monday through Wednesday but the possibility of sun on Sunday and later in the week! Enjoy this next week!