Several things came across my desk in the last few weeks about Family Caregiver Support and local resources to count on. November is National Family Caregivers Month and a perfect time to celebrate (and support) family caregivers that you know. Many times this responsibility is years-long and with little backup or support. Family Caregivers provide critical care in the home and deserve our praise and support.
If you are a family caregiver, CLICK HERE to see information about a two day session on “Caregiver Planning and Dimentia Care Skills” being offered November 5 & 6 in Tumwater. Sponsored by the Lewis Mason Thurston Area Agency on Aging (LMTAAA) this class is designed to put together a plan and give peace of mind to caregivers. National Speaker, President of Alzheimer’s Consulting Services and Registered Nurse, Joyce Beedle will present the two day session. The program fee of $40 includes the workbook and lunch both days.
If you would like general information provided by the LMTAAA, CLICK HERE for their latest newsletter. This is a great resource for caregivers, so please share freely.
Quote of the week:
Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud. – Maya Angelou
Happenings this week:
Saturday: The Northwest Wind Symphony will kick off its 25th season with a Fall Concert on Saturday, October 24th, at 7 pm at Corbet Theatre at Centralia College. The concert will feature the music of Hollywood. Tickets are $12 at the door. You can also purchase tickets at Book n Brush in Chehalis, and Hubbub and Heymann Winery in Centralia.
Weather: Our fall weather is giving us foggy mornings and some sunny afternoons right now. Just teasing us as we transition from fall to winter! Our forecast is for rain most days next week but the accumulation should be very little so we Western Washingtonians might not even notice it! Enjoy the week ahead.
I enjoy it !
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