On such a rainy day as today you might think it odd that I am thinking how precious our water is. We have not had rain for so long it was so refreshing to have the downpour of this morning and the thunder and lightening was just like frosting on the cake!
The weather has been so unusual, very warm and dry. Our usual rainy month of June – wasn’t. Our usual gently warm July was HOT! So when those drops started sprinkling this morning I thought how little we give thought to the water we drink, bath and sprinkle with. We are very blessed to be in a part of the country that has not been plagued with water shortages but we should still be thinking of how to prevent waste.
The latest issue of Organic Living (September/October 2015) Magazine has a great article about “Nine Water Wasters” and how to get control of them. Here is my little summary:
1. Leaky Toilet: A quick test is to put a couple drops of food coloring to the tank and see if it makes it to the bowl. Long-term fix is likely to replace the worn flapper in the tank.
2. Hot Shower: Make sure hot water pipes are wrapped in foam insulation to prevent loss of heat on the way to the shower. A “WaterSense” labeled shower head will reduce the amount of water used.
3. Kitchen Sink: Placing a WaterSense Aerator on the faucet will reduce the amount of water used. When it is time to replace your dishwasher consider purchasing a dishwasher that is made to use reduced amounts of water.
4. Sprinkler: When watering by hand in the garden, do this early in the morning when less is lost to evaporation.
5. Pool: After pool season, let the water sit for a week so chlorine dissipates, then use the water to irrigate lawn and garden.
6. Garden plants: Use a soaker-hose to put water closer to roots. A drip system that runs micro hoses to each plant is a big water saver.
7. Washer: Wash with cold water and only wash full loads.
8. Downspout: A diverter and rain barrel catch are big water savers and if we get to more drought conditions we have to seriously consider this type of saver system.
9. Graywater: Use a bucket to catch cold water before the shower warms up, and use it to water plants.
Other ideas I can think of:
10: Turn off the water when brushing your teeth.
11. Think about not rinsing your dishes before putting in the dishwasher. Most modern dishwashers are made to handle this level of dirt.
12. Use the “Rinse, turn off water, suds and rinse” method in the shower. Saves a bit of water!
All these ideas will not only save water but also save money on the utility bill. Have fun seeing what you can accomplish.
Quote of the week:
The best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain. ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Happenings this week:

Don’t miss the animals, great food, carnival rides and much more at the Southwest Washington Fair August 18th-23rd! Find out more at southwestwashingtonfair.net.
Have a good week ahead!