Here are some laughs for you techies and non-techies – yes, I know you are out there!
Calls to Technical Support:Tech support: What kind of computer do you have? Customer: A white one… Tech support: Click on the ‘my computer’ icon on to the left of the screen. Customer: Your left or my left? ************************ Customer: Hi, good afternoon, this is Martha, I can’t print. Every time I try, it says ‘can’t find printer’. I’ve even lifted the printer and placed it in front of the monitor, ************************* Customer: My keyboard is not working anymore. ************************* Customer: I can’t get on the Internet.
************************* Tech support: How may I help you? Tech support: Are you running it under windows? Customer: ‘No, my desk is next to the door, but that is a good point. That brings up a task list in the middle of the screen. Now type the letter ‘P’ to bring up the Program Manager.’ Tech support: On your keyboard, Bob. Customer: What do you mean? Tech support: ‘P’…..on your keyboard, Bob. Customer: I’M NOT GOING TO DO THAT |
Thanks to Stillwaters resident Mary Chandler for sharing this hillarious techie humor!
Quote of the Week: Treat your password like your toothbrush. Don’t let anybody else use it, and get a new one every six months. – Clifford Stoll
Favorite website of the Day: Baby Red Tail Hawks! at
Happenings this week:
Tonight: The American Association of University Women will be meeting at The Gathering Place, here at Stillwaters at 6:30 p.m. The topic is “Whistlekick Pygoras”, all about a recent book by Terri Kistler on Pygora goats. All are welcome.
Also Tonight: Wildflower walk on Seminary Hill. Starts at 6:30 p.m. Starts at the Main Entrance to the parking lot located at the corner of East Locust Street and Barner Drive, Centralia.
Saturday, May 9th: Centralia’s Fox Theatre Film Series presents “Rebel without a Cause”, a 1955 American classic. Starring James Dean and Natalie Wood. 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. showtimes. $8 Admission.
Saturday, May 9th: Annual Letter Carriers “Fill a Bag” campaign, collecting food for local food banks. Fill a grocery bag with canned or boxed food and leave by the mailbox for pickup Saturday. If you put the donations out before noon on Saturday you should be able to safely be sure to catch or mail carrier.
Wednesday, May 13th: Financial Planning Seminar at 2:00 p.m. here at the Gathering Place. Elder Attorney Richard Paroutaud and Bruce Bamford, Long Term Care expert will talk about wills, trusts, estate taxes and how to financialy prepare for long term care. The session is open to residents and guests and will be about 2 hours in length. Pre-registration is requested by calling Sherri at 736-4744. After hours you can leave a message to reserve a spot.
Weather: Sunshine till Sunday! The temperatures will stay warm (70 today, 79 Friday and 82 on Saturday) before going back into a partly cloudy forecast for the week after that. Great gardening weather!