Spring weather is always entertaining and this week has brought out the best of the season. We have had rain, hail, thunder, lightning and spots of sunshine this week. During a very sunny and bright morning today I took a few photos of spring popping out all over. Stillwaters Estates is most beautiful this time of year!
Quote of the Week:
Awake, thou wintry earth –
Fling off thy sadness!
Fair vernal flowers, laugh forth
Your ancient gladness!
~Thomas Blackburn, “An Easter Hymn”
Happenings this week:
Tonight: Chehalis Farmers Market Manager to Speak at AAUW Meeting. Rachael Reiton, manager of the Greater Lewis County Community Farmers Market, will be speaking at today’s meeting of the Lewis County branch of the American Association of University Women. The meeting will be at 6:45 p.m. here at The Gathering Place.
Reiton is in her second year as market manager, and will speak about the market’s performance last year, the plans for this year, and the benefits of eating locally produced food. The market in Chehalis is held 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesdays starting June 2. For more information, call Jeannie Yackley, (360) 388-1973.
Saturday, April 4th: The Fern Hill Bluegrass Band will be performing at 7:30 p.m. Saturday at the Adna Grange, 123 Dieckman Road, Adna. The show is being presented by Lewis County Bluegrass & Stage Shows. Between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m., musicians will be bringing their stringed instruments for a jam. At 5 p.m., a Swedish meatballs dinner will be served by members of the Adna Grange. Cost is $6. This is a separate charge from admission donations. At 6 p.m., stage shows will begin, featuring the Newaukum River Band, Alder Creek Bluegrass Band, Seth Martin Band and The Dills Family Band. Donations will be accepted at the door. This will be the final bluegrass show of the season. The next one is scheduled for October. For more information, call Becky, (360) 520-7281.
Sunday, April 5th: Easter!
Thursday, April 9th: Movie Night at Stillwaters Estates. This month the feature is “12 Years a Slave” based on the true story by Solomon Northup and takes place in 1841. The movie depicts the circumstances under which Solomon went from being a free man in upstate New York, to the years of slavery in Louisiana. Chiwetel Ejiofor stars as Solomon in this heart-wrenching and at times brutal telling of the life of slaves. Join us in viewing this award winning movie. The movie starts at 6 p.m., with ice cream and treats starting at 5:45 p.m.
Weather: “You Pick” the weather this week!