With all the flurry of building going on in our neighborhood I thought I would share a bit about the building process here. Over the many of years of building houses with the same contractors the process has been finely tuned. I call this little lesson “Home Building 101”.
For the buyer who is new to the home building process this “well tuned” process creates a smooth pathway for home building decisions and ensures the details of the project are remembered.
For the buyer who is not new to building this process provides enough flexibility that you still have all the choices you want and yet the process eliminates the headaches associated with working with multiple contractors and making sure that everything moves along.
The Process
Step One:
Pick a house plan and lot, then pay your Earnest Money deposit of $3,000. We have seven floor plans and 18 platted lots to choose from.
Step Two:
Meet with staff to select interior options.
Step Three:
Sign Contract for purchase and make first payment of 35% of contract.
Second and final payment as per contract.
Step Four:
Follow and enjoy the building process!
Step Five:
Walk through your completed home for final approval, then…
Come home to Stillwaters!
Enjoy the week ahead and follow the progress of the houses under construction!
Quote of the week:
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. – Lao Tsu
Happenings this week:
Saturday, September 13th: 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Borst Home-site Open House. The Historic Joseph Borst Home, Carriage House Hands on Museum and One-room school house will be open for tours.
Saturday, September 20th: Wellness Roundup at the corner of Cooks Hill and Scheuber (near Washington Orthopaedic and Cancer Center. Free fun for the whole family. Free health screenings, giveaways and educational information.
September 20th and 21st: ARTrails is happening all over the county and one stop is here in the Gathering Place. Come see the art and the Artists! Go to www.ARTrailsofSWW.org.
A warm weekend ahead! We will have eighty degree weather Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Then we settle into mostly 60 and 70 degree days for the rest of the month. A beautiful month to start Fall chores!