Once again we have new little baby birdies in our backyard bird box! It happens every year and we seem to go through several rituals to get to this point each year. First, being good birders we clean out the box over the winter and put it back up in about February or March.
Just about that time of year prospective swallow parents come and investigate the house – fluttering about and going off to check out other spots (I presume). Then they return and start moving in the furniture (nesting materials) and start sitting in and on the box for weeks.
Sometimes we have nest raiders that seem to disrupt the cycle and after one of these Sparrow raids it seems we wait weeks again for nesting to begin. Then finally the parents have eggs and spend time constantly on the nest until the big day arrives. The resulting little bird tweets are nice to hear after watching all that work go on!

This process reminds me so much of house buying! Buyers search for the perfect home, they look and re-look at their favorites and finally decide to take the leap and make an offer. Just like nest builders in my back yard, buying a home takes work and perseverance. But in the end it is all worth it!
Using a Realtor to buy a home means you get a focused search, based on your interests and needs. Your Realtor is your expert at the process and makes sure the “nest raiding sparrow” analogy doesn’t happen! When all is said and done you then get to enjoy the fruits of your labors in your new home.
Quote of the Week:
“The earth has music for those who listen.” ― George Santayana
In Honor of the Occasion:
Flag Etiquette: Here is a great link to check out and make sure you are following the rules. http://www.aflag.com/flag_etiquette.asp
Happenings this week:
Friday, June 27th: Lewis County Farmers Market, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., corner of Pearl and Maple streets, Centralia, (360) 736-8977, [email protected]
Friday through Sunday: Winlock Egg Days! The 78th annual Winlock Egg Days gets underway Friday. It all starts with the first Import Tuner Car Show, which will run 5-9 p.m. at the Winlock Miller Elementary School athletic field, 405 NW Benton Ave. Vendors will be on site. Also on Friday is the coronation of the Egg Day Queen, which will be at 7 p.m. at Winlock Middle School, 241 N. Military Road.
Part of the event is the second annual Cake Decorating Contest. Those planning to attend are asked to support the Winlock-Vader Food Bank by bringing non-perishable food items or monetary donations for the chance to win one of many door prizes. On Saturday, $5 breakfasts fit for an egg farmer will be served 7-10 a.m. both by the American Legion at the Winlock Community Building and at the Olequa Senior Center, 119 SW Kerron St.
The Timberland Library Used Book Sale will be 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at its storage room next to the post office parking lot. There will be a wide variety of books, videos and sound recordings for sale. At the 11 a.m. parade, Jeff and Cheryl Millman, of Cattermole Funeral Home, will serve as grand marshals. Following the parade, free egg sandwiches will be available. There are will be a community carnival, flea market and plenty of vendors. A magic show by Jeff Evans will start at 1 p.m. at the Community Building. Next door, the fire station will be hosting its Public Safety Fair. An Old Fashioned Cake Walk will be at 2 p.m. in the high school gymnasium.
Saturday, June 28th:
The Billetproof Hot Rod and Custom Show, the Northwest’s largest series of traditional hot rod and custom show events, comes to the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds Saturday. Hundreds of hot rods and customs, live bands, vendors and a pin-up contest will be at the fairgrounds 8 a.m.-4 p.m. There will be a free model car “make and take” for children 12 and under. Spectator entry is $10. Children under 12, police, fire and active military are free with proper ID. The show moves to the streets of downtown Centralia on Saturday night for a cruise 7-10 p.m. Billetproof is about pre-1964 hot rods and customs. No high tech, billet wheel, digital dashed techno rods or street rods are allowed. For more information, visit www.billetproof.com.

Saturday, June 28th: Tenino Farmers Market to Hold Grand Opening
The Tenino Farmers Market will commemorate its 10th season on Saturday with a grand opening celebration. Vendors will offer shoppers an array of sights, sounds and smells. The market will host dozens of booths offering fresh-picked produce, USDA beef, chicken and pork, crafts, plants, baskets, planters, fresh-cut flowers, fresh-baked breads and pastries, handmade goat milk soap and lotion, wood crafts, quality handmade crafts and jewelry.
The Tenino Farmers Market takes place 10 a.m.-3 p.m. every Saturday June-September at the Tenino Elementary School, on the corner of Garfield Avenue and Highway 99. WIC and the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition checks are accepted. For more information, visit www.teninofarmersmarket.org, on Facebook at TeninoFarmersMarket and Twitter at T90Market.
Fourth of July: It is just next week!
After enjoying a noon BBQ here at Stillwaters you are encouraged to participate in the community events of Summerfest. “Summerfest 2014 Celebrating Hometown Heroes” on Friday, the Fourth of July! Borst Park events include a Free breakfast from 7-10am in Kitchen #1, Kids Fishing Derby at the Lake at 7am, SWAT Challenge at 8:30am at the Parks Building, also at 8:30 the 10th Annual I Ran From The Cops 8k run or 1.5 mile walk at the Parks Building. 10am-3pm enjoy free entertainment, games, Trolley Rides, Hay Rides, Hot Dog Lunch for $2 and more! 4pm is the Windermere Centralia 4th of July Parade in downtown Centralia. 7pm Destruction Derby at the SW WA Fairgrounds. Admission is $8 for ages 13 & up, $6 kids 6-12/seniors/active military. 10:30pm Free Fireworks Display!
Weather: Rain is possible through tomorrow but then the weather starts to warm up to about 80 degrees by Monday. Enjoy the sunshine when it comes.