I have to share a little known local attraction just a little bit south of us that would make a great day-trip with out of town guests. Mr. Blogger and I took our trailer south to Woodland last weekend and one of the places we explored was the Cedar Creek Grist Mill located east of the I-5 freeway at Exit 21, and out highway 503 (following the Lewis River) for about 10 miles. See the map below.

The Cedar Creek Grist Mill was built in 1876 and is on the National Historic Site register. It is the only grain grinding mill in Washington that has maintained its original structural integrity, grinds with stones and is water-powered. The mill restoration was completed in 1989 and was all completed by volunteer labor and donated materials.

The mill that is open to visitors on Saturdays (1-4) and Sundays (2-4) in an absolutely gorgeous setting. When you drive up to the mill you first drive over a wooden covered bridge (built in 1994).

They offer a nice tour inside the mill and then will grind samples of grains while you watch. We walked the trails around the mill and thought it was a great site to bring visitors of all ages. The tour (and flour, book and flour sacks) are by donation and the mill is open year round. Check out their website at www.cedarcreekgristmill.com.
Another of the many great places to visit around here!
Quote of the week:
Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends.
-Maya Angelou
Happenings this week:
Monday, June 2nd: The Pacific Northwest Chamber Orchestra performs under the direction of David Judd. Soaring Soloists! The Concert starts at 7:30 p.m. at Centralia College Corbet Theatre. Admission is free.
Tuesday, June 3rd: Lewis County Community Band is having a free concert of instrumental music at Corbet Theatre. The concert is a continuation of the band’s “Half and Half” series. The first half of the program will feature the music Anne McGinty and second half will feature movie and show tunes. The performance begins at 7:30 p.m.
Weather: What beautiful weather we are having! It should be in the 70s for the next week with lows at night down towards 50 degrees. Enjoy the moderate weather now as I hear we will be having a warm summer.