Being organized has its pros and cons! I have always been a list maker because I learned long ago that I could be a professional procrastinator without much effort. Lists to me are an organization tool that motivates me to do the things that I “need” to do rather than “want” to do – most of the time. I found a really great article about lists – and specifically 9 lists everyone should keep.
The author is David Pierce and he writes for a website called In this article he describes the value of keeping these nine particular lists:
1. “Things I want:” So next time someone asks “what do you want for _____,” you have an answer.
2. “Gift Ideas for others:” How many times do we see something for someone and then by the time the occasion comes around that little memory tidbit is long gone.
3. “Got a Minute”: Tasks that we want to get to but are not a must do. Then when you have a few minutes you consult the list to jog your memory.
4. “Watch, Read, Listen:” Make lists of movies, books and music you hear about that you want to remember.
5. “Big Audacious Goals:” These are goals that are bigger than you think is possible – what keeps you focused and on track.
6. Bucket List:” Yes, this is the one we have all heard about – things you want to do before you die.
7. “Don’t forget:” This is the list for the things to remember such as names, dates or to do. This one could be a list you look at every day.
8. “Great Ideas:” New ideas, inventions, crafty thoughts and clever new ways to do things.
9. “Grocery List:” There is value in having a permanent place for this list – put things down when you run out and with a list you tend to be more focused when you go to the grocery store.
Of course none of these lists are useful if we don’t keep them close at hand. These can be electronic or on paper (For Mr. Pierce it is a Moleskine notebook) and then they need to be in the pocket or the purse so they are handy when needed.
If you would like to read Mr. Pierce’s article in full you can find it at:
Quote of the week:
Remember, there are no mistakes, only lessons. Love yourself, trust your choices, and everything is possible. – Cherie-Carter Scotts
Something New:
Happenings this week:
Tonight: Movie Night here at Stillwaters! Ice cream is served at 5:45 p.m. and the movie starts promptly at 6 p.m. here in the Gathering Place. This month’s movie is “Last Vegas” starring Michael Douglas, Robert DeNiro, Morgan Freeman, Kevin Kline and Mary Steenburgen. Four sixty-something pals gather in Las Vegas to celebrate the upcoming marriage of one. This comedy is about their adventures “running wild” in Las Vegas.
Friday, May 9th: The Fox Theatre Restoration Dinner & Auction starting at 6pm at the Blue Pavilion at the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds. Tickets are $25 and funds will benefit the renovation of the Mezzanine Lounge at the Historic Fox Theatre. Presented by the members of Centralia, Chehalis and Twin Cities Rotary clubs.
Saturday, May 10th: Stamp Out Hunger Postal Food Drive U.S. Postal letter carriers across the country will be collecting food for families in need. It’s easy to help! Simply collect and bag non-perishable food items and place by your mailbox for your mail carrier to pick up. Here in Stillwaters the food is being collected at the Gathering Place for one pick up at 10:00 a.m. Saturday. Bins are out in the Gathering Place now if you want to drop off food for this drive.
Sunday, May 11th: Mother’s Day!
We really scored on the weather last week with one day at 90 degrees. We have had several good days this week (in between rainy days) so the gardens and lawns are really perking up. The forecast for the coming week is rain through Saturday, cloudy on Sunday (Mother’s Day) and then increasingly better weather next week. The weather map shows Tuesday and Wednesday as “Mostly Sunny and 75°.”