Stillwaters Estates on a sunny spring day is absolutely beautiful! With beautifully landscaped yards and avid resident gardeners we have great shows of color this time of year. Here are some amazing flower pictures I took around the neighborhood this week:

Anyone know what this flower is? This plant lives just off Stillwaters Avenue and it is really playing the gorgeous card on this Sunny day!

This dogwood tree is majestically blooming away! This is one of my favorite trees (yes it is a plant too!) and I am happy to see these all around the neighborhood.

And last but not least! A Himalayan Blue Poppy.

Something New: Interesting Links to check out. (Wildlife and live cameras) (Motivational and inspiring)
Quote of the Week:
When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence. – Ansel Adams
Happenings this week:
Tonight: American Association of University Women meeting at The Gathering Place here in Stillwaters. The presentation this evening is about Mt. Rainier – it’s past and future. Presentation by Patrick Pringle, Associate Professor of Earth Science at Centralia College.
Saturday, May 3rd: Westminster Bells Handbell Choir Spring Concert at 7p.m. at Harrison Square Presbyterian Church, 1227 Harrison Ave. in Centralia. Join them for fun musical selections including a Beatles Medley and movie themes! A dessert auction will be held with proceeds to benefit Safe Family Ministries!
Our sunny days this week will come to an end tomorrow. Rain for the next week or so is forecast so soak up the sun today!