Every day is a learning experience – only we don’t always slow down enough to recognize it. Lifelong learning can be through school, work, volunteerism, home or any other aspect of life. Taking the time to recognize all that we are learning is something we don’t often do.
Today I read an article titled “11 things we didn’t know last week” at AARP.ORG and this brought to mind the time Mr. Blogger and I traveled for two weeks around France by train. As with any traveling you do, you learn a lot of things at once and it was during the “down time” on the train that it suddenly struck us how much we were learning. We took the train time opportunity and began to document what we knew today that we didn’t know yesterday. It was quite a long list when we were done and to this day we pull it out occasionally and have a good reminiscing chuckle.
Literally though, I don’t think we do this often enough. As we get older (and wiser) I suggest we do more often to document what we have learned this week (or month or even since yesterday) and truly appreciate what time and life teaches us.
If you are interested in the article that inspired this blog you can find it at http://blog.aarp.org/2013/11/06/11-things-we-didnt-know-last-week-18/
Finally, here is one thing I didn’t know last week. In recent testing of herbal supplements (which are unregulated as they are not food or medicine) nearly one –third contained contaminants and fillers with no trace of the herb itself. Good to buy from a trusted source on these types of things. The full article on this is at http://blog.aarp.org/2013/11/06/tests-show-herbal-supplements-are-often-fake/?intcmp=AE-BLIL-BL
Quote of the Week:
Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself. – John Dewey
Happenings this Week:
Tonight through Sunday: “Up,” written by playwright Bridget Carpenter, will open at 7 p.m. tonight at Centralia College’s Corbet Theatre. In “Up,” Carpenter walks a veritable tightrope between fiction and reality. The character Walter Griffin, played by Centralia College alum Matt Osborne, is fictional. He’s based, however, upon Larry Walters, a Vietnam veteran and California truck driver who on July 2, 1982, rigged a lawn chair to multiple helium balloons and set sail, rising quickly to 16,000 feet and into the flight path of commercial airliners before he deflated enough balloons, with his pellet gun, to safely descend.
“Up” is not based on the story in the cartoon movie of the same name. Both deal with men pursuing their dreams via flights of imagination, but that’s where the similarity ends. “Up,” the play, is best told to mature audiences. Admission is $10 for adults, and $8 for students and seniors. For reservations, call 736-9391, ext. 525. Performances of “Up” will continue Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays through Nov. 16.
Tonight: Tony Ketchum will be speaking about the history and production of I.P. Callison & Co. at tonight’s meeting of the American Association of University Women, Lewis County Branch. The meeting will be at 6:45 p.m. here at The Gathering Place. Ketchum has worked at Callison for nearly 40 years and holds the position of special ingredient formulator and inventory control manager. He is also the mayor of Chehalis.
Saturday, Nov. 9: Love In the Name of Christ (Love I.N.C.) will hold its annual Fall Fundraiser on Saturday at Cooks Hill Community Church, 2400 Cooks Hill Road, Centralia.
The program will start at 6:30 p.m. and will feature two barbershop quartets, Midas Touch and Matters of the Heart. In between the two quartets, attendees can make their own ice cream sundae with lots of toppings. Ticket are $10 each and can be purchased through Halls Drug Center, 505 S. Tower Ave., Centralia; Book ‘n’ Brush, 518 N. Market Blvd., Chehalis; and Love INC, 783 SW Pacific Ave, Chehalis, or call (360) 748-8611.
Something New and Improved! Twin City Transit is now passing through Stillwaters Estates twice an hour. A great convenience for our residents traveling to the grocery store or to the doctor.
Weather: Rain, rain, rain! Today we are supposed to have wind and rain but that is just about the only variation in the weather for the next week. Normal November!