This past week I have been preparing for this blog to move from one platform type to another – from to This will all be in the background over the next few weeks so you will still see the blog the same old way. We are making some changes to our website and in the process have the opportunity to upgrade the blog to a more customer friendly (read that to say writer/reader friendly) format. This will be a great change for the website and the blog but change always brings about the unknown and the “getting used to it” period.
During all this time though we have been lucky to have avoided flood seasons similar to 2007 and 2009 where we had torrential rains and our neighbors in Centralia,
Chehalis and the county were devastated by floods. Weather throughout these blog years has run the gamut and whether it was through pictures or words I can see that we have had a wide variety of weather documented for all time by the blog. So this brings me to the focus for the week – weather! I found this online under “Weather for Dummies Cheat Sheet” by John Wiley. Here are some common weather terms it is good to understand:
Pressure: The weight of the air overhead exerted in all directions on everything air touches. Horizontal differences in air pressure cause winds. Vertical differences in air pressure causes cloud formation and storm development.
Low Pressure System: An area of rising air usually marked by cloudiness, often referred to as a storm.
Here is a little tidbit from the National Weather Service about the months to come:
The latest regional winter weather outlook from the National weather services climate prediction center is based upon what the central and eastern tropical Pacific sea surface temperatures are doing.
Right now they are close to average… meaning no La Nina or El Nino but rather neutral conditions are anticipated for this winter. Between El Nino… La Nina and neutral conditions… historically neutral Winters are number one for those atmospheric rivers – Aka – pineapple expresses with a lot of rain… flooding and landslides. Neutral Winters rank number two in frequency for strong damaging wind storms and lowland snow events.
Neutral Winters usually offer active winter weather. Last winter was also a neutral winter and it was rather tranquil – we dodged a bullet. It is not likely we would do that again this winter. So now is the time to get ready.
Read more at:
Above all be of single aim; have a legitimate and useful purpose, and devote yourself unreservedly to it. – James Allen
Happenings this week:
Thursday, September 26th: It’s Potluck night at Stillwaters Estates! Bring your favorite dish to share and a dish (plate) to eat off of! Potluck starts promptly at 6:00 p.m. All Stillwaters residents are welcome!
Saturday and Sunday, September 28th and 29th: ARTrails of Southwest Washington 11th annual Studio Tour, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Check out the artists who will be here at The Gathering Place.
Weather: Cloudy and rainy with a few patches of sunshine for the next week. Everyone is hoping for a nice September but we will soon run out of September so it is possible that Fall has struck! Enjoy your week!